Registration for the 2012 Rush Hour Regatta is now open. Please take a moment to long onto the TYC website and register. We will take same day registrations, however, in an effort to better plan for entries, food and trophies we've incorporated a $10 discount to those who register early.
Also you can reserve your crew meal tickets and regatta T-shirt at the same time. Simply log into the site and go to the regatta page or click here Regatta, fill out the registration information and receive confirmation from the site. We will be collecting fees the morning of the regatta, so you're not even required to pay at time of registration. Just give us a heads up that you plan on participating, how many crew you may have and if you want one of these awesome T-Shirts!

Reserve Yours During Online Registration Before April 25th - $25
If you don't have your own boat and you'd like to participate by crewing for someone or volunteering on the race commitee please contact Bob Horick at Regatta@TylerYachtClub.org
*Remember Volunteers eat free and get a complimentary T-Shirt!
PS - Forward this email to any other sailors you know who might be interested in particpating. This regatta is open to all.

May 5th and 6th
- RULES: This event will be governed by the USSA Rules as modified by regatta
sailing instructions and individual class rules. The regattashall not have any
throw-out races; low point scoring system and the 720 rule applies.
- REGISTRATION: Early Registration opens April 1, via TYC website
www.TylerYachtClub.org and closes May 4th, 10:00am, 24 hours
prior to first race. Registrations will be accepted, in person, on race
day prior to the first race.
- CLASSES: This is an open regatta. All classes welcome. Three or more one
design or level class boats may race as a class. Expected classes include: Catalina 22, Portsmouth Offshore/Dinghy and Catamaran.
- FEES: Regatta Fees: Early Registration $35 ($10 discount) on/before May 4th
(includes all meals for skippers) Same Day Registration $45.
Crew Meals: $10 per person (includes all meals during event)
All fees will be collected Saturday morning May 5th during check-in
Cash or Check only. No Credit Cards
- DIRECTIONS: Tyler Yacht Club on Lake Tyler. From Tyler Loop 323SE , take
Hwy 110 south to Whitehouse ; turn left on Hwy 346 (east) to
CR 3341 (4.7mi.): turn left (north) and cross bridge (1.2mi.) ; immediately
turn left and follow road to TYC gate .
Saturday May 5th
- 7:30 am Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 am Same Day Registration & Boat Launch
- 9:00 am Skippers Meeting
- 10:00 am RACE 1 - First Horn
- 12:00 pm (approx.) Shore Lunch- Provided by TYC
- 1:00 pm RACE 2
- 5:00 pm Happy Hour
- 6:30 pm Dinner - Cinco de Mayo Party
Sunday May 6th
- 7:30 am Continental Breakfast
- 9:00 am RACE 4 - First Horn
RACE 5 - Will not start after 12:00
- 12:30 pm Lunch - Awards Presentation
*NOTE: Early Registration recieves a $10 discount off the same day registration fee of $45
Any questions may be directed to Regatta Chair. Regatta@TylerYachtClub.org
*OFF LAKERS - Due to low water levels on Lake Tyler, trailer launching from TYC could be questionable, however, Lake Tyler Marina has recently extended their ramp and dredged the channel and could be used as an available launch. Please email the harbormaster for latest lake level report. Harbormaster@TylerYachtClub.org